
Keep lashes clean and free of dust and debris
Avoid oil-based skincare products, cleansers, and makeup removers as they cause the glue to breakdown faster – use only oil-free products
Use care when applying eye makeup
Avoid applying additional mascara over your lash extensions, as this puts you at risk of losing lashes
sooner than normal. Apply mascara will also clump the lashes together
Do not use an eyelash curler
Take additional care when washing your eye area; we recommend avoiding rubbing your eyes, and
instead, use cotton pads or swabs to gently remove your makeup
Avoid putting your face directly into the shower stream; the water pressure may result in damage to your extensions
Sleep on your side or back if possible, to increase longevity of your extensions
Brush out your lashes with a mascara wand (provided during your appointment) at least once a day in the morning, especially after getting them wet. Do this carefully without tugging your lashes
Keep lashes away from direct heat such as ovens and blow dryers as they can cause your lash extensions to sizzle on the ends